Complementary feed for horses
Stomach-friendly basic feed
for sport and leisure horses
Product informations
- Particularly stomach-friendly basic feed for sport and leisure horses
- With stomach-protective sea buckthorn macerate
- Optimal supplement to our mineral and muscle building feed WES Bodyguard or WES All in One
- Natural pectin sources
- Natural lysine supplier
- Short swelling time
- For hard-keepers and horses in convalescence
- Suitable for horses with stomach, muscle & metabolism problems
- Not mineralised
- Starch/sugar content < 10 %
- Free from added grains and alfalfa
Directly at Mrs. Wessling:Praxis Siegen-Meiswinkel
Rotenhain 2
57078 Siegen-Meiswinkel
Phone: +49 27 32 40 35